Monday, February 7, 2011

His Pen Dripped Action and Passion

George Gross (1909-2003) isn’t as well-recalled a pulp artist as, say, Ernest Chiriacka or Norman Saunders or Victor Kalin. Yet he produced an abundance of eye-catching illustrations over the decades, first working for Mystery Novels Magazine and Double Action Western, and later for such periodicals as Detective Book Magazine, Baseball Stories, North West Romances, and Jungle Stories. Gross’ many paperback covers include those of A Man Without Friends, by Margaret Echard (1952); Goat Island, by William Fuller (1954); Orient Express, by Graham Greene (1955); and A Bullet for Cinderella, by John D. MacDonald (1955).

Lately I’ve spotted lots of his artwork in blogs. Trixie’s Treats boasts two magnificent sets of his illustrations, while Joe Ackerman showcases his own favorites in Two-Fisted Tales of True-Life Weird Romance, and Paul Bishop offers more Gross graphics here and here.

To find a short biography of George Gross, and to see other examples of his work for magazines and books, click over to David Saunders’ terrific Field Guide to Wild American Pulp Artists.

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