Saturday, February 13, 2016

Wandering the Web

• I don’t think I have ever held a copy of Boris Karloff’s Tales of Mystery, but I’ve certainly enjoyed looking over the illustrated fronts of those comic books online. As the Web site Dangerous Minds recalls, “Boris Karloff’s Tales of Mystery was originally a spin-off from his TV series Thriller. When the series was canceled, publisher Gold Star re-titled the comic as Boris Karloff’s Tales of Mystery. It continued to be published after Karloff’s death in 1969, and ran into the seventies …” To enjoy the covers yourself, check out that Dangerous Minds link, or visit this cover gallery at Retrospace.

• How might the classic Archie Comics have appeared, had their cover imagery been conceived in the seductive style of artist Robert McGinnis? Well, here’s one possibility.

The Case of the Buried Clock, Erle Stanley Gardner’s 1943 novel starring L.A. attorney Perry Mason, has gone through a variety of printings and redesigns since its original publication. The blog Noah’s Archives showcases more than a few of those.

• The Seattle Mystery Bookshop blog has some nice things to say about a 2015 book devoted to Tom Adams, the Rhode Island-born artist who is perhaps best known for painting the façades found on a series of Agatha Christie paperbacks.

• Every once in a while I like to choose, at random, a tags category at the fabulous blog Pulp Covers and just see what comes up. When I did that recently with the tag “Drugs,” I found a set of fronts that ranged from the awful to the awesome.

• Flickr boasts a beautiful collection of work by American artist Mitchell Hooks, whose illustrations decorated both book covers and magazines, and who died in 2013. A few additional examples of Hooks’ artistry can be found here.

• Finally, this shows just how overwhelmed I’ve been lately, between my writing responsibilities and my remodeling efforts on two rooms of my house. I actually forgot about Killer Covers’ seventh anniversary on January 19! My thanks go out to the many readers who have stuck with this blog through another year of fine discoveries.


  1. Thanks for the Mitchell Hooks link. I know there are many great cover artists but for me having a Hooks cover for one of my books would have been the ultimate fantasy land compliment. You really made my day, Jeff.

  2. Thanks for generously pointing people to my blog! I do enjoy showing people what the great old paperbacks look like -- it's fun to find a way to sort paperbacks to make a meaningful arrangement.

  3. Congratulations on 7 years for this blog. I love book covers (and especially vintage paperback book covers) and you provide a lot of new information for me on book cover illustrators and their art.
