Sunday, January 10, 2016

Armed and Delicious

This has to be one of the cheesiest paperback spy yarn covers I’ve ever seen! Super-Doll was published in 1969 by Award Books. Unfortunately, its cover artist isn’t identified, and the author’s name is almost surely a pseudonym. But we can all use a good laugh before the start of a new work week, right? (Credit for bringing this art to my attention goes to the terrific Pulp Covers blog.)

Click on either of the images below to open an enlargement.

FOLLOW-UP: More than one knowledgeable source has now told me that the Super-Doll cover art should be credited to Ron Lesser.

1 comment:

  1. Pat Hawk's Pseudonyms III identifies "Leo August" as Donald Segall, American 1933-1994. His only credit is this book. The cover might be a quickie by Ron Lesser.
    Art Scott
